You have your credit report. It's essentially a "big brother" report card updated by your creditors and maintained by the credit reporting agencies, Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.

We review your credit report and see what's bad and what could be better. We get right to work on both -- disputing any questionable items on your credit report and addressing the things we believe can help raise your credit score.

We set high expectations for ourselves as a crediting company. You can expect only the best service from our team of credit experts. In the economic industry, we are dedicated to helping our clients get back on financial track. We are here to assist you on the journey. We work with credit bureaus and creditors to fix and rebuild tarnished credit. Let our services and experience speak for themselves. We are highly dedicated to ensuring you attain the highest credit score possible, and will work on your individual case for inaccurate information on credit reports.


With credit report, you break into the mix and take inventory of all the actions that have taken place on YOUR credit. Until the 70s people actually had no rights regarding their own credit report. Access to your own credit history wasn’t available and you had no right to address wrongfully reported information. This was a horrible situation for consumers who applied for credit, got turned down, and had no way of finding out why—or even if it was a mistake. This is why the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was enacted into law. Among other protections, it gives you many important rights when it comes to your credit report.

Because of the FCRA and other consumer protection laws, we now have the ability to go in, check out your credit, correct what we see as unfairly reported, improve items that are hurting your score, and help you get your credit in a much better place.

The case for credit report is a strong one. And no one’s better armed to repair your credit and boost your credit score than The Credit People.

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